Lily being silly watching her daddy from the deck through the screen

Once clean, Lily played in her new toy, the boat, and watched her momma on the SeaDoo

Lily being silly watching her daddy from the deck through the screen
Once clean, Lily played in her new toy, the boat, and watched her momma on the SeaDoo
Then we had to wait 30 minutes...
So that we could go swimming!!!
Then the daddies played a little, "this little piggy went to the market"
After all the swimming Lily was tuckered out so we went two buildings over to Chez Cox where Lily was treated with a plush blanket for sleeping and her parents were treated to a fillet! Thanks K-Jo
Then Andrew showed us how to do the breaststroke
Then Lily came back with a no-hands demonstration
Then Andrew showed us his light fingers by taking Lily's remote
Which left Lily a little baffled
And then Lily countered with an all out battle
When it was all said and done there were no hard feelings
But Andrew figured he would stay in his cave a bit longer...just in case
Next up on the stage is a well known economist all over the world for her theory of the "Rubberband Effect"...If you open the drawer the theory states that the door will open too, also if one were to open the door the drawer will open as well. This happens as well in situations involving closing of doors and drawers. This phenomenon is known as the Rubberband Effect.