Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Rock A Bye Baby

Last week Lily began climbing onto the baby chair in the front hall. This sparked an idea! Lets get out her rocking chair that Grandma Pat gave her when she first arrived in this world. The result was nothing short of spectacular. Andrew doesn't know it yet (well I guess now he does) but he now has a rocking chair waiting for him fresh from the attic so the cuzzies can rock back and forth, whittle, and shoot the breeze.


Aunt Cacky said...

Well, she sure knows how that works! I love the clapping; so proud!

Family Snodgrass said...

Oh, that's wonderful...she loves it! Andrew will look forward to trying it out, too!

Family Snodgrass said...

Oh, that's wonderful...she loves it! Andrew will look forward to trying it out, too!

BettieBoyd said...

Lily Rose is trying so hard to rock the chair! Better every day!