Friday, July 24, 2009

A Visit from the O's

The kids had a visit from the Oztekins this week and had a ball! As everyone knows when the O's come around that's when the party gets started. Kids:"So you said 'Try your shoe'? hahahahah Oh Aunt Cacky you're hilarious"
But of course, first and foremost came the infamous cousin height measuring (I didn't have the heart to tell her that this was going to happen every SINGLE Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Easter for the rest of your life)

Then Lily got a little greedy and started taking other people's things... i.e. Andrew's toysBut he didn't seem to mind TOO much

Then Andrew tried to retaliate...

"Victory is mine!"

Now for those who haven't seen Lily dance I thought I would throw this little video in here:

This is entitled, "Dance Dance Dance"


Anonymous said...

Lily Rose can do the Mashed Potato! And she's taller, at least for this week! Love, Mama

Anne Layton said...

It was a lot of fun getting to see Lily and Andrew.

aunt Betty said...

Sooooo are they laughing with or at the O's in the first photo?

Anonymous said...

I believe they are laughing at a little bit of both--Charles