Lily has reached a development milestone... turning 1 year old!!! This calls for her 12 month check-up. Just to make sure all the bells and whistles are in good working order! Lily checked out with a good bill of health.

First and for most, all the grandmothers want to know how much that baby weighs!

You would think from all of our posts of the amount and variety of food Lily chows down she would have a record breaking weight.

That is not the case for this Lil'bit...
She only weighs a wopping 18.9 1/2 pounds! If you don't believe it here is the proof.

I don't know where this 18.9 1/2 pounds is hidding.
Its not here...

Don't see it there...

Definately none hidding here...

Maybe its because she does alot of this...

Next examined was her head circumfrence. I would tell you that the 17 inches aroud Lily's head is the world record because we have a baby genious on our hands. But I would be stretching the truth.... just a wee bit! However, we would like to think it is a big number because we think our baby is pretty smart!

A surprise to us all, Lily ranks in the 75th percentile for height... clearly she will not quite 'grow' out of this trait but settle into her right size. It's been predetermined (by her slightly undersized parents) that Lily's hope for great height is dim.

What's that you said?? SHOTS??

Poor thing had to get 3 shots on her birthday :(
Overall, Lily was pretty pleased with her report from doctor at 12 months!

And her parents are too!
Lily is right on schedule with all the developmental milestones and doing them with perfection! Lately, we have accomplished the task of moving from stationary to 'catch me if you can' and from mush in cup to a feast at the table! We are so proud of our 1 year old TODDLER!!!!
1 comment:
She is perfect in every way!!!!!
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