Sunday, April 4, 2010


Aunt Betty brought Lily a new toy! She already has a slide at the Allsopp's and now she has one at home too. She has spent many a day running up the ladder, sliding down, and running up the ladder, sliding down, and runn............................


Anne Layton said...

Too cute!

Aunt Betty said...

I'm so glad she likes it! Spring in Birmingham should be spent outside it is such a lovely time of year!

BettieBoyd said...

It's amazing how she has learned to climb and slide! Many thanks to Aunt Betty.

Aunt Cacky said...

She obviously loves it as you've caught her in several different outfits. That is, unless she's running inside to change every few minutes for her photo shoot.

Family Snodgrass said...

Way cool! Can't wait to ask Lily to show Andrew how!