Friday, September 11, 2009

Mirror, Mirrow on the Wall

Who is the fairest one of all??
Lily Rose is the fairest of them all....
Tune in for a lesson on reflections with Lillian Rose.Hello, I'm Lillian. What's your name? Hmm. I can touch you.

How about a high five...And a Kiss... Wait a second....

You cant fool me!


Aunt Cacky said...

Love it!!!!!!! These should be printed and put into a photo book for Lily to enjoy.

Anonymous said...

I think that Kim has been taking photography courses behind my back!--Charles Sullivan

Anonymous said...

The fairest and the most inquiring expression! Love, Mama

BettieBoyd said...

We had to watch this one over again since Lily is away this weekend! Even fairer on subsequent viewings! Love, Mama